FA02 Controls for Energy Systems
Time : 09:10~10:40
Room : 206B
Chair : Toru Namerikawa (Keio University, )
09:10~09:25        FA02-1
One-Step ahead Stabilizing Model Predictive Control for a Three-Phase AC/DC Converter

Seok-Kyoon Kim, Young Il Lee(SeoulTech., Republic of Korea)

This paper suggests a simple model predictive control(MPC) algorithm for the output voltage tracking of the AC/DC converter with the stability guarantee, considering the input constraints. The proposed MPC minimizes the cost function of the tracking error by performing the simple membership test in the online, and It does not necessary to use any numerical optimization method such as LP and QP etc. Using the PowerSIM(PSIM) software, it is observed that the proposed MPC offers a satisfactory tracking performance in the presence of severe load variations.
09:25~09:40        FA02-2
Voltage Regulation System based on ADRC for Doubly Salient Electro-magnetic Generator

Jun Ding, Weili Dai, Hao Tian, Juntao Fei(Hohai University, China)

A voltage regulation system based on linear active disturbance rejection control (LADRC) for doubly salient electro-magnetic generator (DSEG) was proposed in this paper. Based on mathematical model of the generator, second-order LADRC controller was constructed and operation principle was analyzed. Then, control parameters selection method has been given considering engineer design. Finally, co-simulation models of voltage regulation system for DSEG using LADRC and traditional control strategy were built and simulation results show that DSEG using LADRC will acquire good characteristics.
09:40~09:55        FA02-3
Hierarchical Control of Power Networks by using Overlapping Information

Tomoharu Suehiro, Toru Namerikawa(Keio University, Japan)

This study deals with decentralized and hierarchical control for electric power networks by using overlapping information. The control objective is to minimize the cost function of the load frequency control problem. The control law consists of three steps. We apply the decentralized hierarchical control methodology to large-scale electrical power networks consisting of distributed power storage and generation sources such as batteries and wind power generators. Through several numerical simulation results of decentralized power networks, we showed the effectiveness of the proposed method.
09:55~10:10        FA02-4
Shunt Active Power Filter Based on a Novel Sliding Mode Backstepping Control for Three-phase Three-wire System

Lihua Deng, Juntao Fei, Changchun Cai(College of IOT Engineering, Hohai University, China)

This paper presents a global fast terminal sliding mode (GFTSM) control based on backstepping design for active power filter(APF). Power system’s mathematic model can be reduced order by backstepping method. The System’s stability is ensured by Lyapunov framework. The sliding mode control is added into backstepping control to expand the application scope of control. Robustness of APF control is improved. GFTSM control makes the system’s state tracking error reach zero in finite time. The control speed of system is enhanced. An experiment confirms the validity of proposed controller.
10:10~10:25        FA02-5
EKF-Based Fault Detection and Isolation for PMSM Driver Inverter

Dan Luo, Sang Man Seong(Korea Univ. of Tech. and Education, Republic of Korea)

This paper deals with a new method PMSM driver inverter faults detection and isolation based on EKF (Extended Kalman Filter). Firstly, a nonlinear model of PMSM diver where the on resistance of inverter FET is included as state variable is derived. Secondly, the method to detect and isolate inverter fault from the estimated on resistance is presented. Finally, the usefulness of the proposed scheme is verified by simulation results.
10:25~10:40        FA02-6
Developing a Linear Model of RF Power Generators with Pseudo Random Binary Signals (PRBS)

Haijun Fang(MKS Instruments, United States)

In this paper, we will present an approach developing a linear model of a radio frequency (RF) power generator by using pseudo random binary signals (PRBS). We will compare two linear models obtained respectively by the PRBS approach and a traditional modeling approach. The result shows that both approaches achieve a very similar model of the RF power generator. Moreover, it can be shown that the PRBS approach is easily implemented in FPGA Field- Programmable Gate Array) and can be adapted for the on-line system identification.

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