FB04 Statistical Inference and Data Mining
Time : 13:30~15:00
Room : 207B
Chair : Yohei Saika (Gunma Nat'l College of Tech., )
13:30~13:45        FB04-1
Movement Characteristics of Entire Bodies in Dancers’ Interaction

Nao Shikanai(Japan Women's University, Japan), Worawat Choensawat(Bangkok University, Thailand), Kozaburo Hachimura(Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

The purpose of this research is to show movement characteristics of bodies during dance performance. We examined bodily characteristics of dancers when moving and conforming to other dancers. Specifically, we analyzed paired dancer movements through motion capture and compared all body-part characteristics based on data derived from cross-correlation analysis and variance-covariance matrix using an exponential map. The results indicated that not only the legs but also the shoulders of both dancers move at a similarly fast rate when they coordinate and synchronize with one another.
13:45~14:00        FB04-2
Statistical Mechanical Bayesian Inference and Its Applications

Yohei Saika(Gunma National College of Technology, Japan)

Based on the statistical mechanical Bayesian inference, we construct a method of phase unwrapping using multiple interferograms by making use of the maximizer of the posterior marginal (MPM) estimate due to the Monte Carlo simulation. In this method, we carry out phase unwrapping so as to maximize the marginal posterior probability. We clarify from the phase diagram in hyper-parameter space that the MPM estimate realizes phase unwrapping perfectly without using prior information under the constraint of the surface-consistency condition, if observed interferograms are not corrupted, and that pr
14:00~14:15        FB04-3
Retrieval of Similar behavior data using Kinect Data

Kenta Sakurai, WOONG CHOI(Gunma National College of Technology, Japan), Liang Li, Kozaburo Hachimura(Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

In this paper, we present a method to retrieve similar behavior data in database by using Kinect motion sensor and DTW, which is frequently used as an algorithm for measuring similarity between two temporal sequences.The proposed system conducted the normalization of query data captured by Kinect and the calculation of the area of query data to be employed as feature parameter. Also, DTW measures the similarity between the query data and the motion data in database. We performed the retrieval of similar motion data by the proposed system,and obtained the retrieval performance of about 71%.
14:15~14:30        FB04-4
Tasks scheduling and resource allocation in distributed cloud environments

Raissa K. Uskenbayeva, Abu A. Kuandykov(International IT University, Kazakhstan), Young I. Cho(The University of Suwon, Republic of Korea), Zhyldyz B. Kalpeyeva(K.I.Satpayev KazNTU, Kazakhstan)

This work enunciates the task of input stream optimization of user tasks and virtual machines, installed on physical servers in cloud data-centre. Basing on heuristics, offered in this work, in future one can investigate and build effective algorithms for resource assignment in computer systems, built according to "cloud computing" technology.
14:30~14:45        FB04-5
Sparse Representation Approach to Inverse Halftoning in Terms of DCT Dictionary

Toshiaki Aida, Yuhri Ohta(Okayama University, Japan)

The problem of inverse halftoning is approached on the basis of compressed sensing. For this purpose, we have adopted a DCT dictionary as a basis to represent image patches. In the Bayesian formulation of the problem taking the sparse representation into account, the MAP estimate is found to lead to an inverse halftoning algorithm which can be interpreted as a linear programming problem. Numerical simulations have successfully confirmed the effectiveness of the algorithm, which allows us to conclude that the compressed sensing approach is efficient to the problem of inverse halftoning.

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