Design of a disturbance observer for discrete-time linear systems |
Dongyeop Kang(POSCO, Republic of Korea) |
This paper presents a design method of a disturbance observer for discrete-time linear systems. In order to estimate the unknown disturbance, an augmented model is constructed by supposing the estimated disturbance to be an auxiliary state variable. The sufficient condition for the existence and convergence of the robust observer is proposed in terms of linear matrix inequality (LMI). Numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. |
Estimation of Electrode Consumption using Mast Position in Electric Arc Furnace |
Kyuhwan Kim, Jae Jin Jeong(Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Taewon Kim(Research Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Sang Woo Kim(Pohang University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea) |
Because the electrode controller lowers the electrode according to the electrode consumption, it is possible to estimate the consumption by measuring the position of the electrode. Thus we measured the position of the mast which holds up the electrode arm. We calculated the representative value of the mast position for every operation. Then, we analyzed the changing trend of the representative values of the mast position to estimate the electrode consumption. The results which were obtained from the analysis of the mast position are in good agreement with the real operation pattern. |
An edge detection algorithm for steel bar in hot rolling process |
JinWoo Yoo, Won Il Lee(POSTECH, Republic of Korea), NamWoong Kong, Yong-Joon Choi(POSCO, Republic of Korea), PooGyeon Park(POSTECH, Republic of Korea) |
In hot rolling process, camber is one of the most significant defects, where camber is longitudinal curvature in the plan view of a steel bar. To obtain a camber value of the steel bar, the center line of the steel bar is necessary, where the center line can be calculated through the average of both edge lines. Therefore, the edge information of the overall shape in the steel bar is important to determine an exact camber value. In this paper, we propose a new edge detection algorithm for obtaining the exact edge information for the steel bar only using the image data. |
Development of HILS Simulator for Steering Control in Hot Strip Finishing Mill |
wookyong Kwon, SungBin KIm, Sangchul Won(POSTECH, Republic of Korea) |
In plat rolling process, the strip moves along the process line. During the rolling of metal strip, the movement perpendicular to the direction of the rolling occurs. This movement is called lateral movement of the strip. In this paper, hardware-in-theloop-simulation(HILS) simulator for steering control is developed. The simulator describes lateral movement of the strip in hot strip finishing mill. The simulator include strip dynamics, mill model, mill motor and AGC controllers. The factors considered for strip dynamics are initial off-center and wedge difference. The wedge is realized using |