FP1 Advanced Mechatronics
Time : 16:30~18:00
Room : 212&213
Chair : (, )
16:30~18:00        FP1-1
Pose Graph SLAM-Based Displacement Estimation for a Multiple Structural Displacement Monitoring System

Donghwa Lee, Haemin Jeon, Hyun Myung(KAIST, Republic of Korea)

A graph SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) technique for displacement estimation for a multiple visually servoed paired structured light system (ViSP).
16:30~18:00        FP1-2
Development of a Continuum Robot using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles

Bong-Soo Kang, Ryeong-Hyeon Kim(Hannam University, Republic of Korea)

This paper presents the design concept of an intrinsic spatial continuum robot, of which arm segments are actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles. Since pneumatic artificial muscles supported the arm segments of the robot instead of a passive spring, the developed continuum robot was not only capable of following a given trajectory, but also varying its stiffness according to given external environment. Experiment results revealed that the proposed continuum robot showed versatile movements by controlling the pressure of supply air to pneumatic artificial muscles.
16:30~18:00        FP1-3
A study on methodology to improve the power factor of high power LED module

Young Hwan Lho, Sang Yong Lee(Woosong University, Republic of Korea)

LED (Light Emitting Diode) becomes to be useful to apply for the lightening sources in various electric systems since the power is less consumed with high efficiency, and the size and the weight of LED are small and light, respectively. The LED is derived with constant current and SMPS (switching mode power supply). It is necessary for the industries to improve the power factor (PF) and to design the operational circuit for the development of LED to reduce the power loss in the application of LED lightening. In this paper, a methodology to improve the PF of high power LED module is presented.
16:30~18:00        FP1-4
Trajectory Generation for a Car-Like Mobile Robot using Closed-Loop Prediction

Byungjae Park(ETRI, Republic of Korea)

This paper proposes a trajectory generation method using the closed-loop prediction to follow reference path. Using the proposed method, smooth trajectories can be generated by considering the position of a mobile robot and its kinematic properties.
16:30~18:00        FP1-5
Design and system configuration on the radiation tumor therapy system with safe robotic arms

seungho kim, Yeong Geol Bae, Kyung Min Jung, Sung Uk Lee, Hocheol Shin, Hyeonseok Na(KAERI, Republic of Korea)

This paper described a new radiotherapy robot system to identify in real time the cancer location of the tumor using multiple articulated robot arms. On the design for radiotherapy robot system has been designed to solve the problems of current radiotherapy systems on the points of long radiotherapy time and week safety margin of a patient. Major technology and process of radiation therapy using a robot has been proposed. The structure of the four robots in the ceiling and floor will prevent from the collision on the patient, shorten the treatment time.
16:30~18:00        FP1-6
Control of an Robotic Vehicle for Entertainment Using Vision in University Campus

Seul Jung, Sungteak Cho(Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)

This paper presents the navigation of an entertainment robotic vehicle that follows the line on the pavement. The robotic vehicle is built with the purpose of carrying two passengers to look around the campus. Instead of using fully autonomous techniques, a semi-autonomous line following task is implemented. A line is detected by a camera from the pavement with two colors and used as the reference trajectory for the vehicle to follow. The robotic vehicle should be localized where colors are not available. Experimental studies of following the line trajectory detected by a camera are conducted

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