FP2 Vehicle Control Systems
Time : 16:30~18:00
Room : 212&213
Chair : (, )
16:30~18:00        FP2-1
Estimation of Vehicle clutch torque using combined sliding mode observers and unknown input observers

Kyoungseok Han, Seibum Choi, Jiwon Oh(KAIST, Republic of Korea)

This study mainly focuses on the accurate estimation of the clutch torques for the vehicles with automatic transmission using sliding mode observers and unknown input observers.Sliding mode observer is selected because of its applicability to nonlinear systems and characteristics of its robustness to model uncertainties. The required values for estimation include the engine map, torque converter characteristic curve, and various vehicle parameters such as gear ratio and inertia. Using the above-mentioned information, sliding mode observer is constructed without additional sensors.
16:30~18:00        FP2-2
Decision Making Methods Based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Emergency Collision Avoidance in Complex Situations

HYUNGJUNE BAE, YEONSIK KANG(Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Korea)

This paper presents the development of an algorithm that uses nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) to avoid collisions between a driver’s vehicle and the nearby vehicles in complex situations. In particular, the paths of the driver’s vehicle and the nearby vehicles are predicted to avoid collisions. NMPC is used to predict the paths of all vehicles, and if a collision is detected in the predicted path, the driver’s vehicle attempts to avoid the collision through a left lane change, right lane change, or braking maneuver. Several scenarios are implemented through MATLAB/Simulink simulation
16:30~18:00        FP2-3
Development of auto-tuning shift-pattern in Auto-cruise vehicles

Hyunsub Lee, Changwoo Shin(Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), wonsik Lim(Seoul National University of science and technology, Republic of Korea), sukwon Cha(Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Yongdal Lee, Jeongwook Kim(Hyundai-Kia motors, Republic of Korea)

Shift pattern of automatic power transmission is established by considering vehicle traction, speed, throttle opening. Transmission Control Unit (TCU) is built in shift pattern and changes gears of transmission at different times. However, situation of driven vehicles can differs at any situation. It means that the calibration of shift pattern needs to be conducted after finishing to drive. In this study, calibration of shift pattern is conducted in the calibration simulator using driving cycles and driving performance in two cases of original shift pattern and calibrated shift pattern.
16:30~18:00        FP2-4
ECU-in-the-Loop Real-Time Simulation Technique for Developing Integrated Vehicle Safety System

Kyoung-Soo We, Chang-Gun Lee, Junyung Lee, Kyuwon Kim, Kyongsu Yi(Seoul National University, Republic of Korea), Jong-Chan Kim(Kookmin University, Republic of Korea)

Integrated Vehicle Safety System (IVSS) is a key issue when developing intelligent safety vehicles. In order to validate such complex systems before actual ECU implementation, ECU-in-the-Loop Simulation (EiLS) is widely used. However, current EiLS methods only simulate the functional behavior of the target system thus cannot validate the temporal behavior of the resulting system. With this motivation, this paper presents a real-time simulation technique such that the target system's both functional and temporal correctness can be validated in the early development phase of IVSS.
16:30~18:00        FP2-5
Implementation of Approach to Functional Safety Compliant Brushless DC Motor Control System

Ki-Ho Lee, Chanwoo Moon, Hyun-Sik Ahn(Kookmin University, Republic of Korea)

In this paper, a brushless DC motor control system is implemented to apply to an x-by-wire system based on ISO 26262 which is a functional safety standard. An electronic control unit (ECU) of the proposed system has a microcontroller with an asymmetric dual-core architecture and an external watchdog. Functional safety oriented monitoring functions are also implemented with the ECU design and verified with hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The proposed system is very effective for detecting the software faults and mitigating the influence of the hardware failures.
16:30~18:00        FP2-6
Development of Lateral Control System for Autonomous Vehicle Based on Adaptive Pure Pursuit Algorithm

myungwook park, sangwoo Lee, wooyoung Han(ETRI, Republic of Korea)

This paper proposes a lateral control system based on adaptive pure pursuit algorithm. The lateral control system consists of the path tracker and primitive driver. The path tracker is improved than original pure pursuit method. To reduce tracking error that is weakness of the original pure pursuit method , we applied the PI (Proportional-Integral) control theory in lateral offset. Proportional gain is constant and integral gain is a function of the road curvature. The total desired steering angle is sum of look ahead distance desired angle and lateral offset desired angle.

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