FP5 Controls in Industry and Practice III
Time : 16:30~18:00
Room : 212&213
Chair : (, )
16:30~18:00        FP5-1
A Modular DC-DC Converter with Zero Voltage Switching Capability

Seyed Hossein Hosseini, Farzad Sedaghati, Mehran Sabahi(University of Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of), Gevorg Gharehpetian(Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran, Islamic Republic of)

A Modular DC-DC converter with a high-frequency link and bidirectional power flow capability is presented in this paper. Zero voltage switching (ZVS) operation without using any auxiliary circuit, is one of the most important specifications of the proposed modular DC-DC converter. Also, compatibility for high power applications and less number of switching devices are the other merits of the proposed converter. ZVS analysis of the modular converters is necessary because of their high power applications and high number of power switches. The ZVS condition of the proposed modular DC-DC converte
16:30~18:00        FP5-2
Closed-Form Formulas for Continuous/Discrete-Time PID Controllers' Parameters

Thanit Trisuwannawat, Numchai Narkvitul, Prapart Ukakimaparn(King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang ( KMITL ), Thailand)

This paper proposes the formulas for finding the Proportional gain, Integral gain and Derivative gain simultaneously of the PID controllers in both continuous-time and discrete-time systems. Once, the satisfied PID controller in continuous-time system is obtained. Then, just discretises it by using trapezoidal approximation or bilinear transformation, the discrete-time PID controller is easily achieved as well. The results from simulations revealed that this discrete-time controller provides a faster response than the continuous-time case.
16:30~18:00        FP5-3
Estimation of Burn-Through Point in the Sinter Process

JIWUNG JEONG, Bo-Ram Kim, Kang-Bak Park(Korea University, Republic of Korea), Dongchang Han, Keonho Hwang, Jongjun Lee, Jaejun Lee(Hyundai Rotem Company, Republic of Korea)

In sintering process, the operator determined the sinter pallet’s speed based on the location of BTP. Therefore, it is important to estimate the BTP so that the reliability is high. Quadratic curve was inferred by the curve fitting about wind box with the highest temperature and the sides of the wind box in previous studies. This allows, BTP was estimated. However, this is a disadvantage the correlation coefficient is small where except for the three points. In this paper, wind box is reflected from 17 up to 25, and wind box with the highest temperature.
16:30~18:00        FP5-4
Integration of the Microalgae Droop Model with the Metabolic Network System for Biodiesel Production

Minkyu Jeon, Boeun Kim, Min-Gyu Sung, Jay H. Lee(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)

In this study, we propose a novel way to integrate a metabolic network model with a semi-empirical model (called “Droop model”) for predicting the lipid accumulation and cell growth simultaneously. At each time instant of mass balance model integration, the Droop model is used to predict the cell growth rate. Then, the Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) model is used to predict the rate of lipid accumulation, which is biochemically consistent with the predicted growth rate. Droop model’s parameters are estimated using the experimental data and model predictions for the lipid contents are verified.
16:30~18:00        FP5-5
Arrangement of array microphones for hearing aids based on delay-weight-sum beamforming methods

Jihyeon Jeong(KAIST, Republic of Korea)

This paper describes a delay-weight-sum beamforming method applied to hearing-aids with microphone arrays. The aperture size and the number of microphones were set to 10 cm and less than four microphones for the frequency range of between 300 Hz and 3000 Hz. The microphone arrangement was determined to maximize the directivity so that the front sound should be amplified while the backward sound should be reduced. From the simulation result, the performance achieves 34.6 dB mean reduction for backward sound compared to the front sound. This is much larger than that of delay-and-sum beamformer.
16:30~18:00        FP5-6
Analog Filter Circuits Feature Selection Using MRMR and SVM

Yongkui Sun, Lei Ma, Na Qin, Meilan Zhang, Qianyong Lv(Southwest Jiaotong University, China)

This paper addresses frequency response feature extraction of analog filter circuits. An approach for feature selection using criteria of maximum relevance minimum redundancy and support vector machine is proposed. Key idea of the method is to obtain candidate feature subsets with descending order using criteria of MRMR first, and then to select the optimal feature subset through cross validation results of each feature subset using SVM. Experimental results testify that the proposed approach has the advantages of less time-consuming and the selected features have reasonable distribution

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