TA02 Communication and Signal Processing
Time : 09:10~10:40
Room : 206B
Chair : (, )
09:10~09:25        TA02-1
Remote Monitoring System for Rescue Operations by using Wireless Sensor Network

Shigeyuki Tateno(Waseda University, Japan)

When accidents or large fires occur, rapid and appropriate rescue operations should be taken in the scene. A remote monitoring system with ZigBee devices as a wireless communication method is developed for the rescue operations in disaster areas or special places outside the scope of mobile phones. The system can trace members’ actions and situations by using IMU and GPS, and help every member to communicate. It can also enhance the security and work efficiency of rescue teams’ performances at the scene.
09:25~09:40        TA02-2
Signal Processing of WiMAX Physical Layer Based on Low-Density Parity-Check Codes

Chawalit Benjangkaprasert, Torpong Inchan(King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang(KMITL), Thailand)

Abstract: This paper presents the excellent performance channel coding known as low-density parity check (LDPC) codes which is a part of WiMAX system. A modified array code parity check matrix for LDPC encoder is used and the message passing (MP) algorithm for LDPC decoder is used, respectively. The computer simulation results confirm that the bit error rate (BER) performance of the WiMAX system that incorporate with the powerful LDPC coding technique has been improved over the conventional standard WiMAX system.
09:40~09:55        TA02-3
Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for Inchoate Fault Detection based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Moussa Hamadache(Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)

Improving Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for Inchoate Fault Detection based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Moussa Hamadache and Dongik Lee (KNU, Korea) Abstract: Detection of inchoate fault demands high level of fault classification accuracy under poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) which appears in most industrial environment. Vibration signal analysis methods are widely used for bearing fault detection. In order to guarantee improved performance under poor SNR, feature extraction based on statistical parameters which are free from Gaussian noise become inevitable. This paper proposes a f
09:55~10:10        TA02-4
Wireless measurement of carbon monoxide concentration

Martin Pies, Radovan Hajovsky, Stepan Ozana(VSB-Technical university of Ostrava/FEECS, Czech Republic)

Wireless Measurement of Carbon Monoxide Concentration Martin Pies, Radovan Hajovsky, Stepan Ozana (VSB-TUO, Czech Republic) The paper deals with measurement of concentration of highly toxic carbon monoxide within the space of waste rock storage. This purpose gave origin to creation of units with integrated sensors of carbon monoxide that transmit measured concentration by means of wireless IQRF technology. The need of decreased power consumption implicated choice of electrochemical CO sensor connected to a special wireless technology named IQRF, working at 868 MHz frequency.
10:10~10:25        TA02-5
Research on Calibration Methods for Nonlinear Effects in Electromagnetic Force Equilibrium Sensor

Shenshen Gu, Hao Jiang(Shanghai University, China)

The weighing accuracy of electronic balance is determined by its linearity. In this paper, the piecewise linear approximation, least square fitting, Newton interpolation and BP neural network methods are utilized to deal with the nonlinear calibration of electromagnetic force equilibrium sensor. The experimental results show that the piecewise linear approximation method works best. Thus we design a calibration platform based on the piecewise linear approximation method. And it is able to achieve real-time and online compensation when changes take place in the ambient or sensor's parameters.
10:25~10:40        TA02-6
Variable Step-size NLMS Algorithm with Oblique Projection

Sang Mok Jung, Ji-Hye Seo, PooGyeon Park(Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Republic of Korea)

For the case when the input signals are highly correlated, this paper introduces a innovative update form of the normalized least-mean-squares (NLMS) algorithm, where the concept of normalization is taken from the oblique projection. By supplying a lemma that the trace norm of any square matrix is preserved under the congruence transformation via the unitary matrices, this paper designs optimal variable step sizes minimizing the trace norm of the estimation-error covarinace matrices. Simuations confirms that the proposed algorithm outperforms exiting algorithms.

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