TB03 Motion Planning and Control
Time : 13:30~15:00
Room : 207A
Chair : Hyo-Sung Ahn (GIST, )
13:30~13:45        TB03-1
Path tracking control coverage of a mining robot based on exhaustive path planning with exact cell decomposition

Dae Hwan Kim, Giang Hoang, Min Ji Bae, Jin Wook Kim(Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea), Suk Min Yoon, Tae Kyeong Yeo, Hong Sup(Korea Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering, Republic of Korea), Sang Bong Kim(Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea)

Path Tracking Control Coverage of a Mining Robot Based on Exhaustive Path Planning with Exact Cell Decomposition Dae Hwan Kim, Giang Hoang, Min-Ji Bae, Jin Wook Kim, Suk Min Yoon, Tae-Kyeong Yeo, Hong Sup, Sang-Bong Kim (PKNU, Korea) This paper addresses exhaustive coverage path planning of a mining robot based on cellular decomposition in minable area. For this work, the followings are done. First, the map of minable area is decomposed into cells by exact cell decomposition. Second, the coverage path is generated using back-and-forth motion. Third, direction of coverage path and generating
13:45~14:00        TB03-2
Development of application scenarios for smart mobile walker by in-depth focus group interviews and clinical expert meetings

Kiwan Han, Jeongsu Lee, Won-Kyung Song(National Rehabilitation Center, Republic of Korea)

Various robotic systems have been proposed for providing assistance in activities of daily living and support therapy. Our consortium simultaneously had developed an assistive robotic module, called a smart mobile walker, and its application scenarios on the basis of inputs obtained from candidate users and clinical experts during the entire robot development process. This paper presents the development of scenarios for examining the applicability of the robotic module in providing support for activities of daily living.
14:00~14:15        TB03-3
Formation Control of Rigid Bodies Based on Orientation Alignment and Position Estimation

Kwang-Kyo Oh, Hyo-Sung Ahn(GIST, Republic of Korea)

We study cooperative formation control based on orientation alignment and position estimation for kinematic rigid bodies moving in two- or three-dimensional space. We assume agents sense relative positions of their neighbors with respect to their own local reference coordinates, orientations of which are not aligned to each other initially. The proposed formation control strategy consists of orientation alignment, position estimation, and position control laws.
14:15~14:30        TB03-4
Controlling an Overactuated Vehicle with Application to an Autonomous Surface Vehicle Utilizing Azimuth Thrusters

Carl Crane, Darsan Patel, Daniel Frank(University of Florida, United States)

A control algorithm for allocating control effort to a generic overactuated system is designed. In the case where redundant actuators in the system allow for an infinite number of possible solutions to a desired trajectory, the controller must decide which solution to take. A PD controller is implemented to solve for the desired force and moment of the trajectory. Once the forces and the moments are acquired, a cost function is utilized to help guide the choice of the actuator configuration. This control method is then validated through simulation.
14:30~14:45        TB03-5
Consensus-Based Obstacle Avoidance for Robotic Swarm System with Behavior-Based Control Scheme

Ji-Wook Kwon, Jin Hyo Kim, Jiwon Seo(Yonsei University, Republic of Korea)

This paper proposes the consensus algorithm for obstacle avoidance behavior of a robotic swarm system such that the orientations of all the robots are converged to consented value of them. In the previous robotic swarm algorithms based on a behavior based control has contended with obtaining the routes of the robots when accomplishing objectives such as aggregation, dispersion, or homing. In this paper, the robots move with smooth path by the proposed consensus algorithm. This advantage can lead to reduce the moving distance and the moving cost. Finally, simulation results are included to demo
14:45~15:00        TB03-6
Natural Corners-based Two-Dimensional (2D) SLAM with Partial Compatibility Algorithm in Indoor Environment

Rui-Jun Yan, Jing Wu(Hanyang University, Republic of Korea), Chao Yuan(Hanyang University/ CnR Lab, Republic of Korea), Ji Yeong Lee, Chang-Soo Han(Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)

This paper presents a natural corners-based two-dimensional (2D) Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) with a robust data association algorithm in a real unknown environment. The corners are extracted from raw laser sensor data and chosen as landmarks for correcting the pose of mobile robot and building the map. In the proposed data association method, the extracted corners in every step are separated into several groups with small numbers of corners. In each group, the local best matching vector between the new corners and the stored ones is found by joint compatibility, while the near

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