TP1 Special Environment Navigation & Localization
Time : 16:30~18:00
Room : 212&213
Chair : (, )
16:30~18:00        TP1-1
2D Grid Map Building Using ICP Algortihm and Line Extraction

Dongju Lee, Yeolmin Yun, Yoseop Hwang, Jangmyung Lee(Pusan national University, Republic of Korea)

This paper suggests using the ICP(Iterative Closet Point) algorithm to create a 2D map and using line extraction to calibrate line error. The data used in two-dimensional map is only obtained by sensor of mobile robot. The robot can build a 2D map by using data currently through value of encoder, but this method is difficult to calibrate because of difference of distance from value of sensor. Through this, it is occurred wrapping and distortion of map. In order to calibrate position error about this part, distance is calibrated by ICP algorithm and line extraction
16:30~18:00        TP1-2
De-noising Filter Study of the Sound-Source Using the DWT

Bo-Yeon Hwang, Jong-Ho Han, Min-Gyu Kim, Jang-Myung Lee(Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)

In this paper, the de-noising filter study of the sound-source using the DWT is introduced. We suggest the de-noising filter using the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The DWT has been performed to remove out the noises from the signals. We estimate the distance and angle from the microphone to the sound-source and compare the filtered signal to the original signal. To calculate the distance and angle, we use the cross-correlation that is possible to estimate the time difference for sound waves reaching more than two sound-source obtaining devices.

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