A fixed budget implementation of a new variable step size kernel proportionate NLMS algorithm |
Felix Albu(Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania), Kiyoshi Nishikawa(Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan) |
In this paper, a fixed-budget implementation of the kernel proportionate normalized least mean square (KPNLMS) algorithm using a variable step size scheme is proposed. The similarity between the equations of the NLMS algorithm and those of the kernel proportionate NLMS algorithm with coherence criterion is emphasized and the reason of using the proportionate coefficients for the KPNLMS algorithm is given. It is shown that applying the proportionality principle to the kernel outputs leads to better convergence properties than applying it to the weights of the nonlinear filter. The effect of the |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for consensus of third-order multi-agent systems |
yanfen cao, Yuangong Sun(University of Jinan, China) |
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Consensus of Third-Order Multi-Agent Systems
Yanfen Cao, Yuangong Sun (Univ. Jinan, China)
This paper studies the consensus problem of third-order multi-agent systems for the case of undirected graph. Necessary and sufficient conditions for third-order consensus have been established under three different protocols. Unlike most of existing papers, we here focus on illustrating the relationship between the scaling strengths and the eigenvalues of the involved Laplacian matrix, which guarantees the third-order consensus for three different protocols. |
$H_\infty$ consensus for heterogeneous multi-agent systems with time-delay |
beibei wang, Yuangong Sun(University of Jinan, China) |
H-infinity Consensus for Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems with Time-delay
Beibei Wang, Yuangong Sun (Univ. Jinan, China)
This paper considers the H-infinity consensus problem for heterogeneous multi-agent systems in directed networks with time-delay. By rewriting the heterogeneous multi-agent system into the corresponding reduced-order system, we establish sufficient conditions for consensus and H-infinity consensus of heterogeneous multi-agent systems in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of the main theoretical results. |
Design of Nonfragile Robust H∞ Filter for Fuzzy Stochastic Systems with Time-Varying Delay |
Mingang Hua, Yixi Cai, Huasheng Tan(Hohai University, China) |
This paper concerns the design of the non-fragile H∞ filter for the fuzzy system with time-varying delays. Attention is focused on the design of the filter which is subject to gain variations, such that the filtering system is robustly stable with a prescribed H∞ performance level for all admissible uncertainties. A delay-dependent sufficient condition for the existence of such filters is obtained in terms of a linear matrix inequality, and a numerical example is given to proof the effectiveness of the method. |
A Simplified Nonlinear Control for Sawyer Motors based on Singular Perturbation Theory |
hyungduk Seo, donghoon Shin, youngwoo Lee, chung choo Chung(Hanyang university, Republic of Korea) |
In this paper, we propose the nonlinear control based on singular perturbation theory for position tracking and yaw regulation of Sawyer motor. The method of singular perturbation is characterized by the existence of slow and fast transients in the system dynamics. Thus, we can apply to singular perturbation at sawyer motor due to separated motor dynamics into slow and fast dynamics. The proposed method so as to decouple error dynamics consist of auxiliary control. The controller is developed in order to guarantee the desired position and yaw regulation without current feedback or estimation. |
Distributed Leader-Following Formation Control of Quadcopters |
ARSHAD MAHMOOD, Yoonsoo Kim(Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea) |
title: Leader-following formation and heading control of networked quadcopters
authors Arshad Mahmood and Yoonsoo Kim
affiliation Department of Aerospace and System engineering,Research Center for Aircraft Parts Technology, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju 660-701, Republic of Korea |