WA04 SICE-ICROS Joint Session: Model-based Control and Its Application
Time : 09:10~10:40
Room : 207B
Chair : Min Cheol LeeKenji Sugimoto (Pusan Nat'l Univ., )
09:10~09:25        WA04-1
Hybrid Force-Motion Control of Coordinated Robots Interacting With Unknown Environments

Aghil Jafari, Jee-Hwan Ryu(Korea University of Technology and Education, Republic of Korea)

This paper presents a unified framework for system design and control in cooperative robotic systems. It introduces a highly general cooperative system configuration involving any number of manipulators grasping a rigid object in contact with a deformable working surface whose real physical parameters are unknown. Dynamics of the closed chain mechanism is expressed based on the object’s center of mass, and different robust controllers are designed for position and force control subspaces. The position controller is composed of a sliding mode control term, and involves the position and velocity
09:25~09:40        WA04-2
Forwarding Control of Cart-Pendulum System by Following Homoclinic Orbit and Stabilizing Cart

Yuji Maruki(Oita National College of Technology, Japan), Hiroya Oka, Haruo Suemitsu, Takami Matsuo(Oita University, Japan)

In this paper, we design a controller that attains a homoclinic motion of the pendulum and the asymptotic stability of the cart by using a kind of forwarding control design. First, we derive a controller that converges to a homoclinic orbit via a Lyapunov function of the pendulum subsystem. Next, we give a nonlinear stabilizing controller via another Lyapunov function of the cart subsystem. Moreover, using the third Lyapunov function and adding a complementary control input, we guarantee that the pendulum converges to the homoclinic orbit and the cart is stabilized.
09:40~09:55        WA04-3
Parallel Model Predictive Control for Constrained Linear Systems

Naoyuki Hara, Yoshiki Kagitani, Keiji Konishi(Osaka Prefecture University, Japan)

This paper considers a parallel model predictive control (MPC) for input constrained linear systems. A dual of an optimization problem in MPC is decomposed into sub-problems, which can be solved in parallel. The proposed parallel MPC is demonstrated in numerical simulation.
09:55~10:10        WA04-4
Model Construction of Heat Source in an OTEC Pilot Plant for Stabilization Control Based on Experimental Data

Daiki Urayoshi, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Satoru Goto, Takafumi Morisaki, Yasuyuki Ikegami(Saga University, Japan)

In this research, a model of heat source system in an ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) pilot plant for stable operation of the plant is constructed. In the OTEC pilot plant, the evaporation of the working fluid is realized by warm water from a boiler. Therefore, it is important to keep the temperature of warm water constant. First order models to describe the relationship between the temperature and the valve opening are constructed based on experimental data. The effectiveness of the constructed models was verified through simulation.
10:10~10:25        WA04-5
Formation Control of Mobile Robots with Obstacle Avoidance

Tatsuya Miyazaki, Kiyotsugu Takaba(Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

This paper considers a formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots with obstacle avoidance. It is known that the robots can achieve an arbitrary formation by virtual structures. But, in the presence of obstacles, the real robots may not be able to avoid them even if the corresponding virtual robots can. Thus, we improve the virtual structure method to remedy this difficulty. The proposed control law for each robot incorporates a potential function of the distance between the robot and obstacles, and takes trade-off between formation and obstacle avoidance by adaptive gain switching.
10:25~10:40        WA04-6
Backlash Compensation by Smooth Backlash Inverse for Haptic Master Device using Cable-Conduit

Sung Min Yoon, Min Cheol Lee(Pusan National University, Republic of Korea), Woo Hyeok Choi(Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea)

The master device for laparoscope operation with cable-conduit was developed to give haptic function as a previous research. This suggested a possibility of developing a master device by using the cable-conduit. There is possibility that master device using cable-conduit occur a backlash. Thus, this paper addresses backlash compensation by smooth backlash inverse.

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