WB05 Recent Advances in Brain-Machine Interface
Time : 13:30~15:00
Room : 208A
Chair : Keum-Shik Hong (Pusan Nat'l Univ., )
13:30~13:45        WB05-1
Coherent neural responses of human populations during watching movie

DaYoon Kang(Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Sungphil Kim(Ulsan national Institute of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea), Jinsoo Kim(Korea University, Republic of Korea), Dong-Pyo Jang, Young-Seok Shin(Hanyang University, Republic of Korea)

In this study, we measured subjects’ brain activity while they were watching a movie together at the same time. We investigated inter-subject correlations (ISCs) for each five frequency band. A non-parametric permutation method was used to test statistical significance. The results showed that the ISCs over all the frequency bands increased in several scenes, which were important for the stream in the plot of the movie. Our study demonstrated a plausibility of extracting coherent neural response to films in a coextensive group of people.
13:45~14:00        WB05-2
A hybrid brain-computer interface based on common EEG and NIRS resting state for BCI

M. Jawad Khan, Keum-Shik Hong, Noman Naseer, Muhammad Raheel Bhutta(Pusan National University, Republic of Korea)

In this paper, we have combined electroencephalography (EEG) and functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNRIS) to make a hybrid EEG-NIRS based system for brain-computer interface (BCI).
14:00~14:15        WB05-3
Cortical Activities during a Sit to Stand movement using fNIRS

SeungHyun LEE, Gwanghee Jang, SangHyeon Jin(DGIST, Republic of Korea), Jiho Park(Pusan Natioanl University, Republic of Korea), Yoojung LEE(DGIST, Republic of Korea), Jong Min Lee, Seung-Jong Kim(KIST, Romania), Jinung An(DGIST, Republic of Korea)

Recently, a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is frequently reported optical brain imaging method from the standpoint of clinical feasibility. This paper was aimed at examining whether fNIRS can be an appropriate brain imaging modality for checking the progress of rehabilitation treatments or not. Stand to sit task was offered in this study. The results showed that stand to sit movement commonly activated the medial primary motor cortex and primary sensory motor cortex.
14:15~14:30        WB05-4
Technology of integration of diverse databases on the example of medical records.

Yersain Chinibayev(International IT University, Kazakhstan), Raisa Uskenbayeva(INternational IT University, Kazakhstan), Aizhan Kassymova, Tolganay Temirbolatova(International IT University, Kazakhstan), Kazybek Mukhanov(Inernational IT University, Kazakhstan)

The problem of data integration from various and, in particular independent sources, the unification of diverse databases (without compromising their independence) seems fairly actual, especially in the context of the integration processes going currently worldwide. Should be noted that today only the main contours of generalized approach to data integration problem are outlined. When it comes to automation of processes, it is often necessary to perform a comparison of data across heterogeneous databases and provide access to them from other processes. In many cases, database systems are not
14:30~14:45        WB05-5
Wearable Wireless Interface Based on Brain Activity and Eye Movement

Yongwon Kim, Sungho Jo(KAIST, Republic of Korea)

We presents the development of a wearable wireless interface based on brain activity and eye movement. A low-cost EEG headset to read human intention is combined with an eye-gaze tracker to track eye movement. This wearable interface addresses limitations in previous interfaces by restoring freedom of movement. The proposed interface allows users to find an item by gazing at it and turn it on by concentrating. We examine the potential of the proposed interface to fit into our daily life through our experimental scenario. The experimental scenario simulates finding and turning on devices.

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