WP6 Controls in Industry and Practice I
Time : 16:30~18:00
Room : 212&213
Chair : (, )
16:30~18:00        WP6-1
Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Structural Vibration

- makeximu, Li Sun, Donghai Li(Tsinghua University, China)

Construction vibration is a fast responding, multivariable coupled dynamic system. In this paper, an active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) solution is proposed and tested on a certain three-storey building model. The simulation results indicate that the proposed strategy could attenuate structural vibration effectively when actual earthquake signal is added into the system. Since ADRC method is model free, strong controller robustness is well secured, and a single set of parameters is adequate in various situations. Due to the advantages in disturbance-rejection and structure simplicity.
16:30~18:00        WP6-2
Adaptive Neural Sliding Mode Control of Active Power Filter Using Feedback Linearization

Yunmei Fang, Zhe Wang, Juntao Fei(Hohai University, China)

Adaptive control, RBF neural control and sliding mode control based on feedback linearization are combined for the current compensation of three-phase APF. RBF neural network is used to approximate the switch function of IGBT in APF combined with feedback linearization. The weights of RBF neural network are adjusted by means of adaptive method. The harmonic current of non-linear load can be eliminated and the quality of power system can be well improved. Simulation results demonstrate the satisfactory harmonic compensation performance.
16:30~18:00        WP6-3
Micro-convertor with remotely coupled DC power

Daniel Choi(Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, United Arab Emirates)

Microsystems are rapidly making their avenue into commercial applications. Power needs to be supplied to individual devices without requiring wires or physical tethering if the full potential of the micro-machines are to be realized. We develop direct DC power for micro-devices using remote radio-frequency (RF) generation as well as on-chip RF to DC micro-convertor. The micro-scale antennas will supply as much as 10 mW of DC power in an area less than 20mm x 20mm. Optical coupling may not be required because the RF energy can be penetrated into the system without significant loss of energy thr
16:30~18:00        WP6-4
Performance Improvement using A-PO Algorithm of MPPT for PV System

Dong-Hwa Chung, Tae-Young Seo, Jae-Sub Ko, Chang-Uk Lee, Hyouk-Sung Kwon(Sunchon National University, Republic of Korea)

This paper proposes A-PO MPPT algorithm that adjust automatically step size according to operating conditions. To improve a tracking speed and accuracy, when operating point is far from the maximum power point(MPP), the step size uses maximum value and when a operating point is near from the MPP, the step size uses variable step size that adjust according to slope of curve. The validity of MPPT algorithm proposed in this paper proves through compare with conventional PO and IC MPPT algorithm.
16:30~18:00        WP6-5
Configuration of PV Module Considering the Shadow Condition of PV System

Dong-Hwa Chung, Chang-Uk Lee, Jae-Sub Ko, Tae-Young Seo, Hyouk-Sung Kwon(Sunchon National University, Republic of Korea)

When shadows or changes of the radiation or an electrical characteristic in the solar cell are happened to PV system, the serious power loss will occur. These problems are caused power loss. Therefore, this paper proposes the method that makes the output power of the PV module equalize by reconfiguration of PV module using the switching considering these environment conditions. A validity of the method proposed in this paper proves through comparing with performance of conventional PV module.
16:30~18:00        WP6-6
The Design and Performance Evaluation of Position Detection System for Super Speed Maglev

Jinho Lee, Jeongmin Jo, Youngjae Han, Changyoung Lee, Yan Sun(Korea Railroad Research Institute, China)

To maximize the propulsion efficiency of super speed maglev propelled by linear synchronous motor(LSM), precise position of train should be detected to provide synchronized current to LSM coil installed in guideway. Position detection system should have enough resolution and detecting range with target speed. Specifically, protection performance against environmental problem, reliability and convenience in setting up are also important factors. In this study, regarding 4 types of position detection system, main feature is reviewed and the feasibility is examined through performance evaluation.

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