Authors must submit their final version of camera-ready papers electronically in PDF format through the
paper submission website no later than
August 11, 2014 (no extensions). Before submitting the final version, authors are expected to revise their paper taking into account the feedback from the reviewers. Only the final version of your accepted paper will be included in the conference proceedings and in IEEE Xplore.
At least one of the authors listed on the paper contribution must be registered for the conference when the final version is uploaded.
A single regular and student conference registration can be used to upload one contribution.
Quick Summary for Final Paper Submission
For the final paper submission, you are asked to upload the following files.
1. Create, proofread, and check the layout of your paper.
- * Do NOT include page numbers.
- * 3 to 6 pages without extra charge: the maximum of two additional pages is permitted at an extra charge (USD 100 per page).
- * The size of PDF file should not exceed two megabytes (2 MB), regardless of the number of pages.
2. Use the IEEE PDF eXpress website to generate an IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file of your paper.
3. Submit the PDF eXpress compliance e-mail (received by the IEEE PDF eXpress server after your PDF passes the check) that verifies that your paper is compatible with the IEEE Xplore system.
Detailed Instruction for Final Paper Submission
For more questions and information, please refer to the following instructions and/or contact us by email ( or by +82-32-234-5801(Ext.3)
1. Please prepare your final paper using one of the following paper templates.
The size of the manuscript must be
A4 and it should be typed in double columns with single spacing. The number of pages allowed is
3 to 6 pages without extra charge.
A maximum of two (2) additional pages is permitted at an extra charge (USD 100 per page) The size of PDF file to be sent electronically
should not exceed two megabytes (2 MB), regardless of the number of pages.
2. Submitted papers MUST BE in Portable Document Format (PDF). NO OTHER FORMATS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Please, read the PDF generation guidelines using IEEE eXpress regarding the IEEE Xplore compliance and generate the PDF file. Since the papers will be archived in the IEEE Xplore system, your file should be compliant with the IEEE Xplore system.
You should also submit the PDF eXpress compliance E-mail (
received by the IEEE PDF eXpress server after your PDF passes the check) that verifies that your paper is compliant as a *.txt file.
A sample compliance email is:
Sample Compliance Email.jpg
A paper which does not comply will not be published in the Proceedings.
To access IEEE PDF eXpress, go to with Conference ID:
3. Submit the PDF file electronically through the submission page using the paper No. If you converted your source file to IEEE Xplore compatible PDF file with the IEEE eXpress, check compatibility again with IEEE eXpress and receive the Compliance email which confirms that your PDF file is compliant with IEEE Xplore.
4. In addition to the final manuscript in PDF form, you should submit a title, a list of authors and their affiliations, and an abstract for the digest book into the text boxes on the submission page.
copyright of the final paper included in the CD-ROM Proceedings belongs to the Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (ICROS) of Korea.
1. At least one representative author should sign up at for initial submission. (As of 2014, a new author database is launched and the attendee of previous ICCAS conferences need to sign up again as a new user.)
2. Prepare the manuscript using the paper templates for
Microsoft Word or
LaTeX for ICCAS 2014, or following the guideline
Sample.pdf. The paper should be of A4 size, typed in two columns with single spacing in English, and 3 to 6 pages long. A maximum of two additional pages is permitted at an extra charge (USD 100 per page). Note that only PDF (Portable Document Format) files are acceptable.
3. Before the submission, make sure the following information is ready.
Authors Information:
- The order of the authors should be kept in the list.
- Choose one "corresponding author" among the authors, and decide one “presenting author” who is going to give the talk at the lecture session, or to interact with the audience at the interactive poster session.
Paper Information:
- Paper type: “Regular paper” or “Invited paper”. If the paper is invited for one of the organized sessions, choose "Invited paper". All other papers are “Regular paper”. For the invited paper, get the name of the organized session or the session number ready at hand.
- Subject area: Choose *one* of keywords that best describes the paper.

- Paper title: Type-in the title in the text format.
- Paper file: Choose the pdf file of the paper in your computer.
- Presentation type: Choose one of “Lecture” or “Interactive Poster” for the presentation at the conference. This is just for asking the authors’ preference, and the Program Committee may assign the paper in different presentation type based on the theme of the sessions.
- Award application: The authors may apply for "Outstanding paper awards" or "Student best paper awards". For details, refer to Awards page.
- - Outstanding paper award application form: Applicant should download the application form in
Microfsoft Words,
Rich Text Format, or
PDF format, complete the form, and upload it together with the paper.
- - Student best paper award nomination form: Applicant of the student best paper awards needs to upload the nomination form with the signature of the advisor. Please download the form in Microfsoft Words, Rich Text Format, or PDF format, complete the form, get the signature, scan, and upload it with the paper.
4. When you’re ready, go to