Transportation Travel > Transportation
Public Buses
Public Buses

How to get KINTEX or MVL Hotel from Incheon Airport (ICN)?

Take the bus 7400 at the 1st floor, bus stop 8B. Departure time:
06:10,40, 07:10,40, 08:10,40, 09:10,40 10:10,40, 11:10,40, 12:10,40, 13:10,40, 14:10,40, 15:10,40, 16:10,40, 17:20,50, 18:20,50, 19:20,50, 20:20,50, 21:30, 22:00
Fare: 8000 KRW
It will take approx. 1 hour to get KINTEX & MVL Hotel.
Pre-paid Transportation Cards
You can use Korea Pass or Cashbee to use public transportation at convenience.

It can be purchased at
- Incheon International Airport
- 7-Eleven convenience stores found anywhere
- Korea Tourism Organization Headquarters

At purchase, you need to pay for the card itself and charge for the anticipated transportation cost. If you decided to use public transportation, it is recommended to charge at least 20,000 KRW (approx. 20 USD). Afterwards, you need to charge only for transportation cost based on your own usage statistics.

Locations to charge the card can be found outside the subway or at any number of convenient locations throughout the country such as

7-Eleven convenience stores found anywhere
Street kiosks in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon that display the “Cashbee” logo

For more detailed information, see
ICCAS2014, ICCAS, 2014 14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems,
KINTEX, Korea, Secretariat
Tel: +82-32-234-5801(Ext.3), Fax: +82-32-234-5807, Email:
Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (Business Registration Number : 220-82-01782, President : Ki-Sub Lee)
Bucheon Techno Park 401-1505, Pyeongcheon-ro 655 Wonmi-gu, Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do 420-734, Korea
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