Organized Sessions Program > Organized Sessions
List of Organized Sessions
* Before you submit your paper to the below session, you should contact the organizer first.
  Only prearranged papers will be presented in the organized session.

- Proposed Organized Sessions are shown.

Session Code Session Title Organizer Session Theme and Objective
OS001 Statistical Inference and Data Mining

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Yohei Saika (Gunma National College of Technology) / Woong Choi (Gunma National College of Technology) Recent advances in statistical science and data mining are demonstrated in various problems, such as Bayesian information retrieval, compressed sensing and data mining.
OS002 Medical Robotics and Simulation

Presentation Type : Interactive Poster Session
Doo Yong Lee (KAIST) This session is to disseminate the latest development in the area of medical robotics and medical simulation.
OS003 Special Environment Navigation & Localization

Presentation Type : Interactive Poster Session
Jang Myung Lee (Pusan National University) This SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session is aimed to discussion about navigation and localization in special environment as indoor, underwater and lawn.
By discussing and sharing to latest findings, ideas and improved algorithms, researchers can have a good chance to develop applicable navigation and localization in environment of various fields.
Therefore, this session will communicate and bring the ideas and the most recent research issues of special environment navigation and localization
OS004 Advanced Mechatronics

Presentation Type : Interactive Poster Session
WONPIL YU (ETRI) This session gathers state-of-the-art research works conducted in the Daejeon-ChoongChung branch of ICROS. More specifically, the session provides recent works related to mechatronics, ranging from sensors to advanced robotics. Robot navigation and manipulation issues are dealt with, along with a few sophisticated sensor technologies such as ground penetrating radar and high power LED modules. Navigation problems are mostly oriented to outdoor navigation targeting entertainment robots and autonomous driving vehicles. This session will be useful for those who may be interested to find what are going on in a highly technology and research oriented area of Korea.
OS005 Autonomous Navigation and Control Technology applied to Military Unmanned Ground Vehicles/Robots

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Yong Woon Park (ADD) This session is organized to present autonomous navigation and control technology applied to military unmanned ground vehicles and robots. The objective of this session is to motivate further research on these areas and share current research results on the autonomous navigation and its related areas. The specific areas are coverd as follows :
- 3D mapping and drivable region extraction
- Multi-sensor calibration for multiple-sensors
- Task assignments for mobile robots
- Local path planning
- Kinematic control algorithm for rescue robot.
OS006 SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session: Model-based Control and Its Application

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Min Cheol Lee (Pusan National University) / Kenji Sugimoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) This SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session is aimed to bring together researchers, academicians, scientists, engineers and practitioners from various leading research labs and organization to participate and present their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications in the field of advanced model based control theory with its various application.
Control theory is now spreading its scope from simple linear time invariant plant to various nonlinear phenomena including highly complex obstacle avoidance. This session presents advanced model-based control theory with its various applications.
Any topics related to the modeling, parameter tuning, and any other control technique for system control are welcome.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Model based control theory
- Application to mobile robot, industrial robot, surgical robot, and etc.
OS007 Electric Vehicle Control

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Der-Cherng Liaw (National Chiao Tung University) In the recent years, due to the fast growth of electronic devices, the advanced technologies in the communication and computer engineering have been considered to be applied to the control of electric vehicle. Results on the related techniques for the electric vehicle control will be presented in this organized session.
OS008 Sensing and Behavior Control of Robot-Assisted Systems

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Kai-Tai Song (National Chiao Tung University) For robot-assisted systems in intelligent automation and household day-to-day applications, many advanced intelligent functions have been developed and tested. In these application scenarios, new type of sensing and signal processing algorithms play an important role. On the other hand, algorithms of adaptive behavior control are essential for improving performance of such robotic systems. In this organized session, new interesting ideas for assistive robotics aiming for human-robot interaction are investigated and discussed. Useful applications for assistive robots will be illustrated and evaluated.
OS009 SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session: Service Robot Technology and Its Application in Various Fields

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Takashi Yoshimi (Shibaura Institute of Technology) / Min Cheol Lee (Pusan National University) This SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session is aimed to bring together researchers, academicians, scientists, engineers and practitioners from various leading research labs and organization to participate and present their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications in the various fields of service robot technology for everyday home life, personal care, medical, rehabilitation, nursing care, educational, commercial, in home, public facilities, and outdoor environment.
Hence, this session will provide the chance and place to communicate and bring the ideas, the most recent research issues into the service robot and its application for all participants.
Any topic related to various kinds of service robot technology and its application is welcome.
OS010 SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session: Modeling and Parameter Tuning based Control

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Min Cheol Lee (Pusan National University) / Kenji Sugimoto (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) This SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session is aimed to bring together researchers, academicians, scientists, engineers and practitioners from various leading research labs and organization to participate and present their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications in the field of modeling and tuning for control system and any other control theory.
Modeling and tuning are most important issues for control system design and now attracting much attention. In this session various new approaches are presented mainly from the viewpoint of control theory.
Any topics related to the modeling, parameter tuning, and any other control technique for system control are welcome.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Modeling and tuning for control system
- Robust control algorithm
- Model based control algorithm
- Nonlinear control
OS011 SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session: Service Robot Technology and Its Application in Medical Field

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Min Cheol Lee (Pusan National University) / Takashi Yoshimi (Shibaura Institute of Technology) This SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session is aimed to bring together researchers, academicians, scientists, engineers and practitioners from various leading research labs and organization to participate and present their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications in the various fields of service robot technology for everyday home life, personal care, medical, rehabilitation, nursing care, educational, commercial, in home, public facilities, and outdoor environment.
Any topic related to various kinds of service robot technology and its application is welcome.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Service robot technology and its application for medical, rehabilitation, and nursing care in public facilities
- Service robot technology and its application for everyday home life and personal care
- Service robot technology and its application for guidance, surveillance in commercial facilities
- Human support technology for service robot
OS012 Autonomous Multi-UAV Systems

Presentation Type : Oral Session
MIN JEA TAHK (KAIST) This session is concerned with mission planning, task assignment, communication and navigation of multiple UAVs for autonomous operation. Recent progress made by a group at KAIST on this topic is presented in details.
OS013 Machine Vision and Applications

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Sungho Kim (Yeungnam University) / Wangheon Lee (Hansei University) This session deals with recent researches related with machine vision and applications. The related topics are vision applications in robotics, industry, and military. So, the goal of this session is to exchange the state-of-the-art technologies for robust vision applications.
OS014 Recent Advances in Brain-Machine Interface

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Keum-Shik Hong (Pusan National University) This SICE-ICROS Joint Organized Session is aimed to bring together researchers, academicians, scientists, engineers and practitioners from various leading research labs and organization to participate and present their latest findings, ideas, developments and applications in the field of brain engineering including brain-machine interface and imaging. Modeling and estimation are most important issues for control system design and now attracting much attention. In this session, various new approaches are presented mainly from the viewpoint of systems theory.
Any topics in brain engineering including modeling, parameter estimation, and any other stimulation/control technique are welcome. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Brain-machine interface
- Brain imaging
- Brain signal detection techniques (fMRI, EEG, fNIRS, etc.)
- Brain IT & neuromorphic analog chip design
- Brain simulator
- Multi-modality imaging
- Neural decoding
- Neural interfacing
- Neuro-robotics
- Optical neural engineering
- Rehabilitation
- Stimulation, modulation, and inception
- Theoretical and computational neuroscience
OS015 Navigation and Application

Presentation Type : Interactive Poster Session
Sangkyung Sung (Konkuk) This session includes recent studies and updates in the naviogation, positioning and their applications. Topics of interest are

- Navigation algorithms
- GNSS and positionings
- Indoor navigation
- Sensors
- Related mechatonics and control
- Multi sensor integration
- Autonomous vehicle technology
OS016 Vehicle Control Systems

Presentation Type : Interactive Poster Session
kyongsu yi (seoul national university) research and applications of control systems for ground vehicles

To promote exchange of ideas and recent research results on vehicle control systems among researchers, practitioners,and students from university, industry, research institute and governmenet agencies.
OS017 Robotics

Presentation Type : Interactive Poster Session
Sung Hyun Han (Kyungnam University) Robotics
OS018 Axioms of Disturbance Observers in Control Engineering

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Kyung-Soo Kim (KAIST) Disturbance observers have been widely studied in academy and attracted much attention in practice. In this session, the latest results in principles and applications in practice will be introduced. Notable achievements in theory will be addressed and the applications to robots and mechatronic devices for consumer electronics will be illustrated with actual examples.
OS019 Smart Mobile Robot

Presentation Type : Interactive Poster Session
Kyoung Taik Park (Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials) Smart Mobile Robot is studied and applied in several fields such as manufacturing, agriculture, military, marine and hospital. The topics of this session are related to wheel/leg driving mechanism, electrical/hydraulic driving actuator, driving control algorithm, electrical/engine hybrid driving system, mobile platform, navigation, wireless communication, recognition system and so on.

OS020 Measurement, Control and Systems in the Steel Industry

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Seho Choi (POSCO) This session aims to share the latest information about measurement, control and systems that are applied to steel industries.
OS021 Biorobotics

Presentation Type : Interactive Poster Session
Jong Oh Park (Robot Research Initiative / Chonnam National University) This session is organized to present emerging technology applied to biorobotics. The specific areas are covered as follows:
-Micro/Nano Robotics
-Biomedical Robotics
-Biologically Inspired Robotics
-Rehabilitation Robotics
OS022 e-Government System

Presentation Type : Oral Session
Young Im Cho (Univ. of Suwon) e-Government System
ICCAS2014, ICCAS, 2014 14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems,
KINTEX, Korea, Secretariat
Tel: +82-32-234-5801(Ext.3), Fax: +82-32-234-5807, Email:
Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems (Business Registration Number : 220-82-01782, President : Ki-Sub Lee)
Bucheon Techno Park 401-1505, Pyeongcheon-ro 655 Wonmi-gu, Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do 420-734, Korea
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