* Free Tutorial Sessions. If you’re registered for the conference, you can attend tutorial sessions organized by leading researchers in the fields for free. Some of them are listed as:
• Basics on Glocal Control: Concept, Fundamental Theory, and Applications to Energy Management Systems. Glocal control means that the global purpose is achieved by only local actions of measurement and control
in relatively large-scale dynamical systems such as energy networks, transportation systems, biological systems, and multi-agent dynamical systems. The key for realization of glocal control is hierarchical netwoked dynamical systems with multiple resolutions.
Prof. Shinji Hara (The University of Tokyo, Japan) initiate the tutorial entitled "Glocal Control: Concept, Framework, and Fundamental Theory,"which is followed by "Projective State Observers for Large-Scale Network Systems towards Glocal Predictors" by Prof. Jun-ichi Imura (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan) and "Hierarchical Distributed Control for Large-Scale Network Systems: Algorithm and Application to Pricing of Electric Power Networks" by Prof. Koji Tsumura (The University of Tokyo, Japan).
• Basics on Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs). When your dynamical system contains algebraic constraints then it is often modeled as a differential-algebraic equation (DAE), in particular when the modeling procedure is done in an automatic fashion. Come and learn how to model, interpret, and handle these kind of systems. This tutorial is led by an expert on this subject, Prof. Stephan Trenn (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany).
• Basics on Collaborative Filtering and Recommendation System. This tutorial presents the underlying concepts of collaborative filtering, including similarity measures and dimensionality reduction, and their applications to recommendation system. Prof. Kyomin Jung (Dept. Electrical and Computer Eng., Seoul National University, Korea) will guide us.
* Exciting Special Sessions.
• “Meet the Expert: Professor Kazerooni” One of our plenary speakers, Professor Kazerooni, will meet you in less formal environment. He will give a short exciting presentation, and have some conversation with the audience.
• “How to give a GOOD presentation?” Prof. Yamamoto (former Chair of IEEE Control Systems Society) will illustrate some typical mistakes that should be avoided for a good presentation.
• “Intelligent, Multi-Purpose, Autonomous, and Decentralized Unmanned Systems” This session is to present the up-to-date technology of autonomous systems including unmanned aerial vehicles